Monday, 21 September 2009

This is just the beginning.

And so it begins...

It's time for some positivity in my life, in the world, on the internet so The Velocity of Love is my way of spreading a bit. Everyday I will be posting a picture of something I love. It could be a leaf, it could be my cat's face. An outfit I see in the street, the flowers I grew.
I'll also be posting 'past loves' on Sundays. Things I loved, and still love they're just not new discoveries.

Everyone needs a bit of Love.
OC xx

P.s. my twitter page will have verbal updates of a similar nature.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is a wonderful idea! I fully believe in the power of love....I was reunited a few years ago with an old boyfriend that I have been in love with for 15 years...we are now married. I have 3 much love! My dog, my friends,my books,music...these are just some of the things I love in my life. I believe that if you smile or laugh every day, you can never be sad or angry for very long...there is too much good and fun things in life to focus on the bad for too long.
