This is a two-in-one sort of thing because it also shows how much I genuinely love train travel. Yes it can be expensive and can be stressful and all sorts of other negative nellies, but I LOVE IT. Trains are generally clean and comfortable, if I'm going a long way I'll book a seat so no worries there, and it's just so soothing. You can have a little read, or just listen to music. Actually it's probably one of the few times you can really LISTEN to music, because you're not doing anything else. Usually I'm walking, or doing something which requires at least a little bit of attention elsewhere.
Anyway, it was my friends 21st last week but she wasn't at Uni for it so her friends threw her a partaaaayyy which me and ANOTHER friend went down for. It was lahhvely. Nice bit of drinking, many amounts of talking, some horrifically good films.