Wednesday, 21 October 2009

I love animal costumes

But not full length ones, they scare me. Eeee.

My mum is a primary school teacher and brought home some costumes for a children's opera (yep! That's classy) they did this weekend, so I spent all of Friday night with a rabbit hat on my head. I'm so ridiculously cool.

Friday, 16 October 2009

I love daytime drinking.

No really, I do.

Wine wine wine wine, mmm.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

I love Mumford & Sons

There hasn't been a lot of love floating about my way recently, so I've been failing at the basic premise of this bad boy BUT an album I ordered while drunk (yes) which came yesterday has completely reignited my own personal spark.

Mumford & Sons - if any of you want a wife, I'm a lovely girl with a pretty quick wit and quite nice hair and you can probably contact me through this (I think?!). Also, I can sing a bit, and I think I'd make a lovely muse.

Seriously, am in love.

Saturday, 10 October 2009

I love Hollyoaks Later

I just sat down and watched all 5 episodes in one go, because I was out for like 4/5 days when it was on last week - amazing! I know Hollyoaks is trashy telly, but holy crap this is good trash.
And I'm quite a lot in love with Mike Barnes.

I love Crispy M&M's

I know there's been a lot of food-based stuff, but I'm having a greedy week. NOMNOMNOM.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

I love Nutella and thick white bread.

This is the only good thing about today.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009

I love bumping into people you haven't seen in a while during the rain.

But since I don't want to put a picture of said person, I'm going to put something else up because it's been pissing it down all day and I really dislike the rain. (And there's bunting in there too!)

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

I love cheese!

No, I really do. Especially goat's cheese. Nomnomnomnomnom.

That is all.

Monday, 5 October 2009

I love bunting.

Seriously, my friend's housemates got all involved with a bunting competition this weekend, and now I love bunting. It's so cheerful looking!!
This is theirs, but the inside part that was attached to my friend's bed (how else would you hang bunting?), it was Harvest/Autumn themed, and was also joint winner of the street party bunting competition. I helped plait the string - I say helped, it literally took 2 hours or so for us to plait these 20m of string together so it's a pretty big help really.

Sunday, 4 October 2009

Past loves

These could never be a past love, but they've been rekindled by some films we watched last night:


I love going to see my friends.

This is a two-in-one sort of thing because it also shows how much I genuinely love train travel. Yes it can be expensive and can be stressful and all sorts of other negative nellies, but I LOVE IT. Trains are generally clean and comfortable, if I'm going a long way I'll book a seat so no worries there, and it's just so soothing. You can have a little read, or just listen to music. Actually it's probably one of the few times you can really LISTEN to music, because you're not doing anything else. Usually I'm walking, or doing something which requires at least a little bit of attention elsewhere.

Anyway, it was my friends 21st last week but she wasn't at Uni for it so her friends threw her a partaaaayyy which me and ANOTHER friend went down for. It was lahhvely. Nice bit of drinking, many amounts of talking, some horrifically good films.

I love Brighton

I've been away so this is really late, but I had a great time in Brighton :D It's such a good city, one of those I can see myself living in. In fact, I'm seriously working towards moving there now. I need a bit of seaside time - I've been so inland my whole life!!

Thursday, 1 October 2009

I love The Guardian crossword

Self explanatory really, except I can never finish it.